NetBurner 3.5.0
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_IpHeaderIPv4 Struct Reference

IP Header (IPv4) More...

#include <ip.h>

Public Attributes

uint8_t versionNLength
 Version and header length nibbles IPPKT::bVerHdrLen.
uint8_t diffServNEcn
 Service and congestion related IPPKT::bTos.
beuint16_t totalLength
 Datagram size including IP header IPPKT::wLength.
beuint16_t identification
 Fragment identification IPPKT::wpktId.
beuint16_t flagsNFragmentOffset
 Flags and fragment offset fields IPPKT::wFlags_Frag.
uint8_t timeToLive
 Usually hop count IPPKT::bTTL.
uint8_t protocol
 IANA protocol number IPPKT::proto.
beuint16_t headerChecksum
 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16-bit words in the header IPPKT::hCSum
beuint32_t sourceAddress
 IP address of source 4 8-bit octets IPPKT::ipSrc.
beuint32_t destinationAddress
 IP destination address 4 8-bit octets IPPKT::ipDst.

Detailed Description

IP Header (IPv4)

Can contain options, determined by header length. No options header length is 5 for 5 32 bit words ( 20 bytes ) IETF RFC 791 September 1981, MIL-STD-1777

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: