NetBurner 3.5.0
PDF Version
PPP - Point to Point Protocol


 PPP Connection State
 PPP Return Codes

Detailed Description

#include< ppp.h >

Like Ethernet, Point to Point Protocol (PPP) is a data link layer which transfers data between nodes on a network. The main difference is that PPP is used between two end points, whereas Ethernet is a multidrop configuration.

PPP can be used over many types of physical networks, including: fiber, phone line, serial cable and cellular telephone. Once you have created a PPP connection to or from your NetBurner device you can use it with all the standard network applications such as the web server, tcp, udp, ftp, email, etc.

Internet Service Providers (ISP) can implement PPP with many different options that vary from ISP to ISP. The PPP example program included in the development kit examples directory specifies the most common ISP options and can be used as a code example to specify any specific options you may need in your application.