NetBurner 3.5.0
PDF Version
Basic Web Config with SSL/TLS

This example is identical to the BasicWebConfig example with the addition of SSL/TLS. Please refer to that documentation for a description of how the configuration server operates.

Certificates can be handled a number of ways: auto-generated, self-signed, compiled into the application, or uploaded to a file system. To simplify things, this example provides files for a compiled certificate and key, named ServerCert.cpp and ServerKey.cpp.

To generate your own self-signed certificates, use the script files in the \nburn\CreateCerts folder:

  • makeca.bat to generate a Certificate Authority certificate and key
  • makeserver.bat to generate the HTTPS server certificate and key

For the common name (CN), use the IP address of your device, then copy the generated .cpp files to your project's src folder.

Please refer to the \nburn\examples\ssl folder for more advanced SSL/TLS certificate handling.