NetBurner 3.5.0
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Basic Web Config

The system configuration web page interface is located on network port number 20034. This example demonstrates how to provide the same configuration interface as part of the application web server on port 80 (or 443 for SSL/TLS), so that the configuration web pages are consistent with the rest of the application web interface.

The web page is dynamically generated, and provides access to view and/or modify boot and interface settings, such as default serial port baud rates and IP addresses, as well as application specific data.

The code used to generate and process the web form is in html/index.html. This example does not use any external JavaScript libraries, and all of the form generation code is located at the bottom of index.html. For a more advanced example that utilized Bootstrap and jQuery, please see the CustomWebConfig example.

Currently available config objects that can be used are as follows:

Note that because we are only processing the config object, we are able to avoid writing a custom POST handler that is used in the other examples. If you include more to your web interface than is provided here, that will need to be incorporated as well.