NetBurner 3.5.0
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This example illustrates how to use dynamic HTML content with variables and function call parameters embedded in HTML code. The HTML tags VARIABLE and FUNCTIONCALL enable you to display application variables and call application functions directly from the HTML code.

In this example, the device's IP, Mask, Gateway, and DNS Server are displayed dynamically on the web page. The page also displays an uptime counter which updates when the page is refreshed.

Note for NBEclipse Users: This example requires that the auto-generated file htmldata.cpp have a path to include the htmlvar.h header file. To add the path in NBEclipse:

Right-click on your project and select properties Select "C/C++ Build" options Select "GNU C++ Compiler" -> Directories Use the "+" in the include path box to add the project's "HtmlVariables\html" folder to the list of include paths.