NetBurner 3.5.0
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Overload Directory & System Files

The Overload Directory Example is a basic demonstration of the overload directory in a project. The overload directory is used to override any system file by including local copies of system source files or headers. This allows the user to make changes to system files exclusively for a project. The overload directory provides an alternative to modifying the original system files, which would affect all projects.

To use this feature, the file to be overloaded should be placed in the overload directory under a directory structure that matches the file's location relative to the NNDK install directory.

This example application utilizes the overload directory to override predef.h (a NetBurner configuration header file). The overloaded predef.h defines the macro NBRTOS_TIME, which is not defined by default.

To overload the predef.h header, the directory structure is replicated inside the overload directory. For example, predef.h is located in the following directory in the NNDK install:


Therefore, the directory structure is replicated inside the overload directory with the following structure:

   <project root>/overload/nbrtos/include/predef.h

Additional instructions if the overload directory is used in an NBEclipse project:

After adding the file to be overloaded, clean and rebuild the NetBurner Archive by selecting "Clean NetBurner Archive" under the Build Targets pull-down in the project. From that point on, modifying predef.h (or any overloaded source/header) will automatically rebuild the necessary files in the NetBurner Archive when then project builds.

If a system include folder is overloaded, this folder should be added to your project include paths. Right click on the project and select project properties. Under C/C++ Build->Settings, select GNU C++ Compiler->Includes and add the overload include folder. If utilizing C code, then GNU C Compiler->Includes should also be added.